Why Is IMG Special

Chapter 7: Why is IMG Special?
What is IMG Business? Is it Networking? Are you an Agent/Broker if you Join IMG? This is the question I had when I joined IMG. It is the same question that most people ask me as well. IMG is Simply Special. Check this comparison of IMG Business which I labeled as Real Business. The best thing I like about IMG is that it is indeed recession proof. It is something that can survive lockdowns. Why, because it can be done on line. And it helps people to prepare for any emergencies.

More detailed comparison of Traditional Agency, Networking, versus the IMG Business Model is shown below. We take pride of the fact that our IMG Business has the most powerful compensation system and is the most powerful financial distribution system in the Philippines today. IMG is not focused on selling and recruiting. 

I found out that IMG is not a Networking or Multi-Level Marketing. Instead, IMG is the Most Powerful Distribution System for Financial Services, and Membership Platform. It has a great System. The System of IMG allows everyone to become a member and enjoy the benefits. Among the benefits is to have your own business opportunity, which give everyone, the same earning capability. IMG also has a Powerful Compensation Program that allows people to earn the income they need today and build their income for tomorrow. Even those who joined the company later can earn as much or even more than those who joined earlier. It totally depends on you how much you want to earn. Earning is unlimited and has no cap. IMG is a Franchised Business that you can Pass-On. In IMG, you OWN the Business as you don't have QUOTA, TIME-CARD, and BOSS. You are your own boss. And you can Pass-On the same capability to your family and friends. They can act as the broker/dealer for all their financial service’s needs. IMG also has Powerful Financial Strategies that are proven to work. 

We have as business partners Prestigious and Powerful Multi-billion Dollar Companies. I am really proud to be a member of IMG, for we are partnered with multi-billion companies. We are independent representatives of our partner companies. However, we are far from being an Agent of any of the company. And what really is amazing is that most of these Powerful Business Partners of IMG are Billion Dollar Companies that are prestigious and well known in the Philippines. 

It is a Business with Limitless Potential! You can EARN Passive and Active Income. While you earn your active income, you can grow your passive income too through the IMG Business and your correct investments.

Income you can achieve is highly dependent on your activity. My experience tells me that in a year time you can easily achieve income of about 25K/month and in 5 Years, you can have an income of more than 100K/month!

It is like having an investment of about 10M or 5 Condo Units! By simply working on your IMG Business in about 5 years, you can earn the income of those who had invested 10M in Mutual Funds or those that invested in Rental Income. See comparison below. 

What makes IMG very special is the fact that our business is anchored on the Mission: Help Families Achieve Financial Freedom by teaching people of all walks of life how to save and invest properly. We teach people how to fish, Build People- build outlet. It is a “Business with a Heart”.

What makes IMG very special is our Principle of Giving. When we get our first Kaiser Plan, we give our sponsor the ability to earn his commission. When we get our first client with the help of our Trainer, we give our Trainer his Match Up Commission. And when we get Promoted to Senior Marketing Director, we compensate our Trainer by giving him/her our Strongest Leg. We believe that in Giving…We Receive! 

Success in the IMG business though is not guaranteed. Like in most business, it depends on your own drive and commitment. My experience in the business, your own experience will be unique. It depends, on your deepest desire: Compelling Reasons.

If you know your WHY, the HOW will simply follow.



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