What We Have Achieved

Chapter 9: What We Have Achieved
We relentlessly conduct FREE FINANCIAL Coaching all over the world. We use the different multi-media to reach out, and serve our mission. We published through Amazon.com RISEN from DEBT to help people indebted to be free from debts. Eventually, we published a book through Bro Bo Sanchez’s Kerygmabooks.com the “Debt Destroyers”.

As we do our IMG Mission to Financially Educate our fellow Filipinos all over the world, we are also rewarded to travel for FREE. So we are doing Business with Pleasure.

And the best part is, we do earn from the business. The more people we help, the more income we generate. The more income we generate, the more investments we make. The more investments we make, the more passive income we generate. And, as we build a big, committed, and unstoppable team, we also generate Royalty Incomes from our Team Mates whom we helped become Senior Marketing Directors.

We also were rewarded with Exclusive Watches, Pins, Ring, Jackets, HMO, and an SUV for our car. 

But it not just about rewards, travels and compensation. We desire to move from success to significance. We really dedicate our time, talent and treasure to our mission of being our Brother’s Keeper.


We are truly blessed to have found the IMG business. Our own business that allow us to travel and monetized our competencies and passion, a business we can put up in many different places in the world. After 12 years of doing IMG Business we earn six figure income per week and about 7 figure income in 6 to 7 weeks!

Again, a business that is quick to set up with very little capitalization, smacks perfectly with this IMG Business. Join us in this business so we can reach out to more people, change their lives, achieve their dreams, and make them enjoy the rewards the business offers!
If you wish to know more about how you can also be a broker for all your own needs, please send us an email at fely.santiago@gmail.com or at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com. We would be more than glad to help you.
We simply share what we do, and train people to be their own financial advisers, and help them set up their business. When we started this business, we have Nancy and Manny Martin, Malvin and Matin Leano, Malou and Vener Torres, Randy and Christy Canete as our first business partners.
We were all from Cavite and were former Intel employees (except for Randy and Christy). We were all retrenched from our company. We have varied business experiences but we all decided to pursue the IMG business. From that January 2010 Strategic Meeting to January of 2013 (3 years of serious business focus), we achieved our business goals. We formulated and executed 4S: Structure, Strategy, System, and Schedules in making our business big. After 10 years with IMG , they still are very much committed, and dedicated in doing the IMG Business and Mission..
On our 8th year in 2015 we were able to sign up in the business more than 11,560 Members all over the world in 23 different Countries, and more than 30 cities in the Philippines and growing bigger each day.
In July 2017 Malvin and Matin are EVC-Marketing Directors, Nancy and Manny are CEO- Marketing Directors, Malou and Vener, Randy and Christy are Senior Marketing Directors who are also building their outlets in different places all over the world. We have already promoted 309 Senior Marketing Directors out of our 16,931 Members!
In 12 years, we were able to create more than 738 outlets helping these  people set up their own business and in the process enabled us (Fely and I) to earn passive income in 29 different Countries all over the World!.

By the first Quarter of 2020, we have more than 39,853 Members in 29 Countries all over the WORLD! 
It is truly amazing, and enjoyable business. The company made us winners. Fely and I win. The company wins. Everyone wins! You can win too! IMG is really special.
By the First Quarter of 2020 we have more than doubled the number of people we were able to help in the business,

JOIN us NOW. Click this to be AN IMG MEMBER


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