How Do We Earn in IMG?

Chapter 6: How Do We Earn?
Our company is an international company. It allow us to do business in many different places in the world.  We also travel throughout the Philippines from as far as Cagayan in the North to Davao in the South and build successfully our business outlets in those places too.
They are all helping us be of help to thousands of people encountering financial difficulties, like we were before. Using the same business system of IMG we are continually setting up our franchise outlets and we earn royalty incomes. We have 13 ways of earning and all are defined by a system and the commissions and earnings are computer system generated and can be monitored anywhere you are in the world.

Our company boast of the best compensation system in the financial services industry.
Our final consideration in getting into the business is the capital requirements versus potential income or Income/Capitalization Ratio.The business options that I studied required more than half a million capitalization. And so we are so amazed and could not believe that with less than P10K, we set up and start up our own financial distribution business. A business that can allow us to earn unlimited income potential.
As a New Business Associate (NBA) , once you Join , you can already have the possibility of earning more than 20K per month. As an NBA you will have a 20% Commission Rate. So for every Client or an NBA that gets a Kaiser Plan of say 30K, you earn 6K. However, It is best that your first clients should be introduced to the company through your Trainer. Thus, in your first 3 or even 5 clients, you can earn 10%. The earning you have is cut to half to compensate your Trainer. Thus, make sure you learn fast so you can become a Trainer and get the same compensation in training your NBAs. This compensation is what we term as Match Up in IMG.
Once you get Promoted to MD, your Commission Rate increases to 37%! This means that for every client you get in with a 30K Plan, you can earn 11K. Thus if you do this once a week or 4x a month, then you can earn 44K. Isn’t that amazing! But I consider it still just “making a living”. And since you are already an MD Trainer, when you are also entitled to an Override Commission of 17% from your NBAs.  You are destined for more
You can “Make Money in IMG” when you become an SMD – Senior Marketing Director and create a Team. You can start to earn your six figure income every month. You can earn this from your Override Income and your Direct Sale Income. Your Commission Rate as Senior Marketing Director is 47% of every Kaiser Plan your client gets. You also have an Override Commissions of 10% from your MD and 27% from your NBAs.
And you can Make a Fortune by have a Big Team: You can earn 7 Figure Income per Month! This is by Royalty Income from SMDs you are able to Train and Duplicate. The Key to this is by Running the Wealth Creation System and making sure everyone you bring in to the Business, who are committed to do it, will Duplicate you and produce also their own Duplicate Trainers. Isn’t this Amazing!
Of course, the results will vary dependent on your efforts. There is no guarantee that all can be successful in IMG Business. 
For more details, attend our FASTSTART School!


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