Our Transformation

Chapter 2: Our Transformation

Looking back, it was mid of 2007 Fely was already notified by her company that her job will be eliminated and thus her position will no longer exist. She was identified for early retirement. So before she actually reached her last day in office, we searched for guidance how we will be able to manage our finances. We bought and read books.
We attended seminars and studied different business options. During this time I was still employed, and Fely was still receiving her monthly salary. There was not as much pressure to embark on a business at this time.

November of that year, we decided to join a company named International Marketing Group-IMG. This is after we learned about it in Bro Bo Sanchez's Truly Rich Coaching Seminar. Our only motivation is for us to become the broker for all our financial services needs such as our investments, property insurance, and healthcare.
We did not seriously consider yet any business as I was still employed and receives my monthly income.  We just wanted to make sure we get our finances in order and have the retirement money of Fely invested properly. For me, business takes the back seat. It is not a priority. However, one year later, “kaboooom”, it was my turn to be retired by the company I worked for. I was forced to put some effort in the business that IMG offered but I was halfhearted. I was not focused on business.  
I still hoped that I could go back to being an employee. Career in manufacturing was my comfort zone. My money mind set has not been fully converted. I was still programmed to be an employee. My JOB attachments and my brains are too tough to breakdown.
But months passed and I was not lucky, or looking back, I was so lucky I did not find a job! The company (IMG) opened my mind in the reality that the financial solutions our parents no longer apply to us.
My father and Fely's father were both in the uniformed service. "Tatay" (it is how we call our father) was a policeman. His career started and ended as a policeman.  We were twelve in the family.
Tatay had no business, and did not encourage us to go for business. He was able to support all of us 12 of his children in our education with his job with meager income. So my mind pattern is to be an employee with good pay and like my father retire as an employee.
So when the company retired us before our desired plan, we were jobless and without a business. It was really a very stressful situation considering I had mountain of debts and a big responsibility in the education of my children.

I still remember one morning in our breakfast table; Fely and I were having our discussion. She was egging me to get a job or be in a Business. It finally sunk deep into my heart and mind: “get off the employee mentality.”
2010 January was the turning point. We sought further coaching through seminars and through books. Bro Bo and his team of business coach in the Truly Rich Coaching Seminar inspired us to be brave and daring to get into business, to start small and fail fast to success.
To go for a business aligned to our passion and competency. To erase our program of being an employee and reprogram our minds that our way out of the JOB is to be an entrepreneur. What I thought was a great failure in my career became my turning point in seriously pursuing a business!
So… what business?


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