What is IMG Business?

Chapter 4: What is this IMG Business?
Since Fely and I had received retirement pay, our need was to learn and execute proper saving, investing and protection (insurance).  We needed to learn how to make our money work for us.  
We found out that IMG is both a Business and a Mission. We specially got inspired by the TRAINERS CREDO that IMG Members declare. The Business is about being a Trainer and Training Trainers! But it is a Business that is so Simple and Doable that anyone, of any age, training, background, or level of education can do! 
So what exactly is IMG? IMG is one of the Biggest and Fastest Growing company in the Philippines which has Offices in different countries in the world which includes, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Dubai, Rome, Milan,
We became our own broker for our own financial service’s needs.
It is your OWN Business. You are not an employee. You don’t have a boss. No Time Cards, No Quota! You can do it anywhere. And you can do it ON LINE too. You are a real ENTREPRENEUR! 
It is aligned to our passion: training people, helping people help themselves and keeping families together.
It is also aligned with our competencies as Fely and I were both experienced trainers in our previous job.
It also solves our money problem and many other people’s financial problems.
It also has a lot to do with establishing relationships.
Moreover, the risk and the business investment are so small that practically there is no risk. And the best thing about this business is we earn by helping others to save and invest properly! And to top it all, we got to travel to many places, and we earn passive income as well! A business we can do on line and something that we can do whether the economy is good or bad. And more importantly A Business Our Children Can Inherit. A True Business that is Built to Last and can be our Legacy!
We got into the money business by buying our own financial services needs from ourselves. We did not have inventories of products to worry about. Nothing can be spoiled nor pilfered.
When (IMG) International Marketing Group introduced to us the concepts of proper money management and investing, we were also given the option to be the broker for our own needs.  That was the business offer. That was “why” we joined and became part of the IMG Business.
We are empowered to DIY (Do It Yourself). We simply by-pass the middle-man or the agent for we are the broker dealer ourselves. The best thing about our IMG Business is that it is our own business:  we do not have a boss, we do not have quota, and we do not have time cards
I did not even treat this as a serious business. In the onset I also did not see the immense size of this business! Fely and I finally saw the immensity of this business in 2011, when we attended our company’s convention in San Jose California, USA. More than 20 Thousand people attended from all over US and Canada, and from Asia. In that convention, we have met people who are ordinary people who shared their success stories in the business. It inspired us and opened up our minds to do more or this business. But what really is this IMG business? 

IMG is a financial distribution company. As a business owner using the IMG System Fely and I are independent representative of a One-Stop-Shop of Financial Services. We represent various companies in different fields of service:  the top 5 Mutual Fund Companies (Soldivo, PhilEquity, SunLife Financial, ATRAM, PAMI), top 5 Real Estate Development companies (Ayala, SMDC, DMCI, VistaLand, MegaWorld), and many other refutable and solid companies.
We act like a broker dealer of all the financial services companies that were accredited by IMG so we earn the commissions ourselves for all our needs and for our families and friends needs as well. Our broker for Mutual Funds is Rampver Financials. We have in-house brokers for the Philippines Top non-life insurance, and real property companies.
We also have access to direct stock buying and selling through MyTrade On-Line Apps of Abacus Securities Corporation (abacus-sec.com). It is one of the leading stock brokerage houses in the Philippines..
It depends on us on how big we want our business to be. But our coaches are always ready to help us become successful. We do not earn by recruiting like what other networked business do. We do not personally handle the investments. We just simply share objectively to our families and friends, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the investment vehicles. We point them to what companies they can get into. We educate ourselves and pass on the knowledge to our family and friends.
We share our own investment experience, what we do, and what we have achieved. I just share my own experience on the companies that were scrutinized, studied, and accredited by IMG.  We let the client decide. With IMG, we do a more objective assessment of products, and services. We are not beholden to any single company. We can offer what is best to the client. We simply provide Financial Education and sound Financial Check-up.
We earn from our own safe and correct investments. We earn from building our business all over the Philippines, all over Asia, and all over the WORLD. What we earn in business is combined active and passive income. We earn passive income generated by our properly guided and solidly founded investments. In fact, after 4 ½ years, our investment income enabled us to fund our children’s education, and our travels to Europe, and Holy Land. We earned from our investments more than 15% compounded per annum in the last 9 years from 2008.
On my point of view, I consider IMG Business not just as a financial services distribution business. It’s a business of changing people’s lives, and we earn by helping others properly save and invest.
I love this business for it is actually a business of love. What has love got to do with a business? When Fely and I executed our financial strategies that IMG has coached us to do, we actually made sure that whatever happens, our family will survive because we love them. And the most amazing thing about this business is that whether the members do or not do the business, they can enjoy many of the amazing Membership Benefits for a Membership Fee of ONLY P5,500 which already includes an Initial Investment of P1000 on SOLDIVO MUTUAL FUNDS. The Membership Benefits are far more in value versus the amount of money they put into the business as IMG Members.
With that amount we became broker dealer for our own needs. We start up with our own proper saving and investing. What surprised us even more is that, even with just our own needs, we could already recover our capital. So actually, it was a "no brainer" decision, making for us to plunge in to the business!
After 5 1/2 years of doing the business, we reached six figure monthly cash flow. It is even better than what we have gained as employees for more than 25 years. We have a passive income that is more than our retirement needs. Since we also love ourselves, we made sure that we invest properly and safely for our future. In doing all these financial strategies, we earn our own commissions from our own needs. Our very own love needs. And since we care and love our extended families and friends, we simply share what we do. That is how simple the business is, and it is all about love.
We love to travel so we were able to even combine business with pleasure. We travelled to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau and build our business outlets in those countries.
It is truly an OPPORTUNITY of a Lifetime. You can do the business whether the economy is good or not. When people don’t have money and are financially burdened, they need us. They need to be Financially Educated and given the Business Opportunity to earn additional income. On the other hand, when the economy is good and people have a lot money, they need to learn how to handle their finances. They need to know the proper way of Building a Solid Financial Foundation. They need to Learn How To Invest Correctly.


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