A New Business Model Anyone Can Do!

How to Be Successful 

 And Earn More Than
6-Figure Income in 3 Years?
No Matter Who You Are:
Age, Profession, Location

How we Were Able To Change People's Lives
and Create a Powerful 
Business Team in 29 Countries
With more than 39,869 Members
in Just 12 Years!

Click this to REGISTER 
on our
FREE ON LINE Financial Coaching

I am grateful to the Lord for all the success we have so far achieved! We are very excited to share how you can also succeed in this amazing business. My Mission is to help you get into and be successful in your own business so you can increase your cash flow and provide for your family's needs today and for their future. 

I know how it is to be an employee practically shackled and totally dependent   on a temporary income. I know how it feels to be  financially struggling and be buried in debts. I have experienced that very frustrating and desperate situation and it is not fun. I also know the difficulties people face when they transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur. The fears and uncertainties of what the future is. The bigger problem for most will be the capitalization, and other logistic needs.

So, I want you to be empowered to transform yourself to an entrepreneur in the Financial Distribution. I want you to free yourself from the bondage of employment, sales quota, monthly and quarterly deadlines and head aches, and be a business owner yourself and achieve financial independence and enjoy your early retirement no matter what your background is. Whether you are a retiree in your 50's or a young new graduate from high school or fresh from college ... It is really… really our goal and our passion and prayer to help people create their own business and start their journey to financial freedom. It is our PURPOSE and MISSION which Bro Bo Sanchez had been instrumental in planting in our heart... Thus I want you to share with you how to succeed in your own business with less than P10,000 as start up capital!

Bro Bo Introduction

It really doesn't matter what your age is, what your educational attainment, or your career background is. You maybe a 50+ engineer retiree like me, or a 23+ yaya like Fiv Divine, or a young Recently Graduate Engineer like my daughter Chai. You can get into the business and be successful.

If you want to know how Click this to tell me more how can I help you: SURVEY FORM

I Want You To Meet 

Some of the  

Couples We Were Able to  

Transform To A 

Very Successful Entrepreneur

Randy and Christy CANETE, are simple ordinary couple when we met them. Randy a seafarer and Christy a housewife. Christy was a shy, unwilling to do the IMG Business because she was so shy of herself and couldn't stand and face an audience.  But through our consistent prodding and coaching she became a SPONGE for learning. She attended the meetings and Big Events and now she is one of the most powerful speakers we have in IMG.

Another couple  friend, Malvin and Matin Leano had a computer shop-Internet Cafe as their business before they join us. They had just finished high school and never had a degree. But in less than 4 years they were able to achieve 6 figure income regularly which is 4-5x their previous income as employees. Their dream is to simply be able t bring their family to Baguio. But with the IMG business they got into, they are travelling the world and had been to most places in Asia. Their most recent travel was in Hong Kong Disney with the whole family. Malvin is now one of the most inspiring Financial Coaches in IMG.

How to Be Successful 

Financial Distribution Business ?

There are many more Malvin, Matin, Randy Christy, in our IMG Business. They had been able to succeed because they were able to demonstrate Our Secret Ingredient of Success- SMSSERVICE, MENTORING, and SYSTEM. These are really what makes us continually succeed. Let me unveil them  to you...

SERVICE first! We all believe that for us to DESERVE Big Blessings, we got to SERVE first. Same principle as in giving. The more we give, the more we will receive. Many of us had shown the true meaning of service. We go out to far places giving FREE Financial Coaching without expecting anything in return. We even offered back as tithes our earnings.  All for SERVICE and , all for LOVE!

Christy and Randy had built their team in many places as well. Christy was full term in her pregnancy and yet, she was still relentless in SERVING by conducting FREE Financial Coaching in companies, and supporting out of town Financial Coaching. And so are Matin and Malvin who don't mind travelling back and forth 200 Km+ away to and from Cavite. Almost 16 hours of travel for a 1 hour coaching expecting no return or compensation but to SERVE. 

MENTORING on a continuing basis. We have our daily, weekly and quarterly dose of continuing mentoring on how to do the business. We have very selfless and dedicated mentors who don't have anything in mind but to make all of us successful in the Business. More of this below.

And our third Secret: SYSTEM. IMG has a very reliable and proven system of more than 30 years. We just Run the System and the System Runs our Business. Our Proven Wealth Creation System is so simple and Doable that anyone can do it anywhere in the World. It can be done ON LINE and OFF LINE too!

Join Us NOW! 


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