People Transformed By IMG

Chapter 8: People Transformed by IMG
I am so in love with this business for it is a Win-Win Business. It Transforms Us. We started with this business with our family as the first set of clients. All our investment needs, our healthcare and life protection, and our non-life insurance we bought from ourselves as agent or broker.
We were getting our insurance for our house and our cars as clients of an insurance company. For so many years and not a single centavo goes back to us. When we became business owner within the IMG system in 2007, we earned commissions from what we paid for our home and car insurance.
At that time, we pay P30K per year for our non-life insurance needs and as broker for our own needs, we pay the same amount. But this time as broker for our own needs we got back more than P2000!
We got ourselves all the needs we have as our own broker and thus, with just our own needs we earn. On top of this, IMG coached us to do our proper and solid investing. We were also coached on how to do our business. So we were able to invest our retirement money properly and profitably and we were able to set up our own business.
We were able to have a business that enabled us to earn passive income from our investments, and active income from the business itself. We build a business that helps and enable families to achieve financial security.
Fely and I simply share our own financial strategies that we learned and executed. We also share how to become a broker dealer of all financial services. That is our “Win-Win Business”. We helped families invest properly, and earn for their money more than 10x what they earned in their previous investment.
We were able to help families get out of debt. We were able to help thousands of families set up their own business all over the world. We help families win in their financial struggles, and in the process we win in our business.
Christy and Randy Canete is one of the couples and business partners we have in IMG. Randy is a seafarer while Christy is the common housewife. They have two kids (boy, and a girl) in 2010 when we invited them to IMG. Kevin the first born is mentally challenged, while Allyssa is a normal healthy girl. Before we encourage them to be part of our business, they were financially struggling in spite of the fact that Randy earns well. This is because they do not know how to manage their money. Randy as a seafarer works for 10 months and is idle for 2 months waiting for another chance to get his health checked and his contract renewed.

Randy was the sole bread winner, and in the months he is not on board, they do not have income. At times, the two months got extended and the money they allocated gets used up making them resort to borrowing. They did not save enough, and yet every time Randy Goes home with huge amount of money they spend for they know not where to invest the hard earned money.
We got their finances in order and executed the right saving and investing steps. Then we encouraged them to increase their cash flow by doing the IMG business. Christy has been a housewife for 12 years and never had any experience in doing any business. She is the typical shy "probinsiyana" (from the province of Davao).
She had no previous training on how to present to a crowd, nor had any related experience interacting with people. Her previous 12 years were spent in the four corners of their home taking care of their children. But the business is so simple, she just have to share her own experience.
Now, Christy is one of our best trainers in our company and is now able to help out Randy earn income. She is one of the proofs that anyone can do it. Anyone can win in this business. They have now three (3) kids and earns more than when Randy was a seafarer. Christy was able to retire Randy from being a seafarer.

Malou and Vener Torres is another couple who are our business partners.
They are ordinary couple with simple background and academic achievements. They are both high school graduates and were previously employees in a multinational company. When they were retired by their company in 2008, they put up a "sari-sari" store (convenient store). That has been their business to support their daily needs and the education of their children.

We encouraged them to save and invest and do the IMG business in 2010. Two years in the business, Malou is earning more than what they earn from their store. She has money invested in mutual funds from doing the IMG business. I am so happy I am sure her entire family will continue to win even in their senior years.
Monique Adriano is one of our trainers in our company. She was an employee of Philippine Airlines (PAL). They staged a strike to protest the “contractualization” in their company. Her income had stopped coming for they were on strike but her family’s needs remained. Not only does she support her own family, but also her parents.

She gives money for the health care needs of her father. Her husband can support their needs. However, she does not want to burden her husband for her parent’s needs. This was why she sought for a source of income which she lost because of the strike, so she can continue to send support to her parents. We offered Monic the IMG opportunity to fund her parent’s needs and her future needs. In less than a year she is winning in this business. Now in her late 30’s she is on her way to achieving her 6 figure income.
In 2015 we also had recruited into the business Maryann Regulto. She was a Factory Worker in one of the Japanese firms in the Philippines. She was earning a meager salary of only 8,000/Month. She was burdened by so many needs. Funds to support special care for her “special child”. Funds to support her husband with an unknown disease. And worse than that is the need to pay for debts of her co-employees, whom she “co-guarantor” on almost a million loan in their company. We encouraged her to do the IMG Business. In 2017, she got promoted to Executive Marketing Director. She reached an income of more than 40K/Month (5x her income as employee). She is on her way to her six figure income by end of 2017 before she turns 40.

Another success story in IMG Win-Win Business is Jered Langoban, in his early 30’s. He came from very poor and not so educated family. His first job is a Janitor earning 8K/Month. Then he moved up from being a Janitor to a Construction Worker earning 12k/Month. He did not have proper financial education on how to handle his money. Every weekend payday is spend day for him in drinking sessions. One time, his baby got sick. A Construction Worker doesn’t have a guaranteed week by week pay. Pay depends on his contract. When his baby got sick, he was broke. This triggered his desire to find additional source of income. He joined our company IMG in 2016. Today after just about 6 months, Jered earns additional 6K/Month Part Time. He also was able to achieve Senior Marketing Director Position in the company! The best part of it, he now knows the value of hard earned money. His money mind-set had been transformed. He save and invest his additional income.

When we went to USA for the company convention, we have known of Tuan Le an American Vietnamese in his senior years doing the business we are doing. He went up the stage to receive his recognition as one of the top performers in the business in USA. He was limping as he walked up the stage. I was amazed that someone in his state can still do and be successful in this business.  
Someone like him would not be able to get into a regular job because of his physical condition. He would definitely not qualify for any slot in a regular job in the financial services, but somebody like him can still do this business!
If he can win, why can't I …considering I don't have his disabilities? Anybody even with disabilities can win in this business.
IMG Potential Income from this business depends on your efforts. Not your educational attainment, or title. It does not depend on whether you are the first to join or last. It does not depend on your age as well. Everyone can win. You can “Make A Living” on your Personal Effort.



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