A Simple Clear Fast Doable Business

A Business That Is Built To

Stand and Last In Any Situation
You Can Do It Too

Benj and Fely Santiago
April 2020


To International Marketing Group (IMG) who had given us a business opportunity with unlimited income possibilities, and passive income generation. A business that made us changed from being an employee to investor and entrepreneur. A business that indeed is SIMPLE, CLEAR, FAST, and DOABLE for non-businessmen like me.

To Joen Delas Penas, Noel Arandilla, Cathy Borja of IMG who had coached us and guided us in building our business beyond our imagination and physical borders. A business Built To Last.

To Dr. Jaime and Dra Jocelyn Lorenzo, and Ms. Ojing Osana who initiated us into IMG Business, and coached us in our first months in the business. They mentored and inspired us to do the IMG Mission.

To Shirley and Manny San Miguel, Ginalyn and Rey Labrado the couples who inspired us, and showed us that persistence and dedication can make us succeed in IMG business.

To Xuan Nguyen of World System Builder (WSB) who inspired us to dream beyond our dreams. He made us believed in the IMG System and what the business stands for.

To Bro. Bo Sanchez who had inspired us to become businessmen, and made sure that our pursuit to material wealth is grounded on Holy purpose. He inspired and illuminated our mind and spirit to combine business and mission of helping families.

To the Truly Rich Maker Team all over the world, who had vigorously and passionately helped us grow the business all over the world, spreading the mission of helping people increase their cash-flow. Special thanks to Malvin and Matin Leano, Nancy and Manny Martin, Christy and Randy Canete, Malou and Vener Torres who were the first to believe in us.

To Reuben James, Felise Charmaine, Raphael Christian, and Francene Chiara; our dearly beloved kids for whom we strive hard to leave our business, and inheritance behind.

To Almighty and ever loving God, who continually showered us with strength of mind, body, and spirit, and clarity of purpose in doing this business.
Table of Contents


This book is a personal story of Benj and Fely Santiago. The contents of this book are intended for information purposes, and reference only. It is unique to the background and experience of the Authors. It is intended exclusively to inspire and guide you on how to set up your own IMG business, but does not guarantee you of your own success. Your success, depends largely on your effort and commitment.

Each person have unique situation, everyone must consider all the options she or he may get into. It is the hope of the author to inspire people to get into a business that suits your competence, experience, and more importantly your passion.

The author of this book, and all other people mentioned in this book made sure that the information are correct as of the date of publication. However, there is no guarantee or warranty as to the completeness and accuracy of all the information shared on this book. The author of this book expressly disclaim liability for errors or omissions in the information shared in this book.

Neither the author or any other person or company associated with this book may be held liable for any loss or damage that may result from the use of the contents of this book or to acts or omissions made by any person on the basis of the contents of this book.


This book is published on-line by the authors to inspire people to get into IMG Business. No part of this book can be used or published without the expressed agreement of the author. This is for IMG Members Internal Use Only.

Date Published: April 11, 2020

Published by: Ruben V Santiago Jr.
Fely and I had long wanted to have our own business. I know you too want to have your own business before you retire. In fact many of our friends who got their early retirement money, put up on their own business. Unfortunately more than half of the people we know who went into business, went bankrupt and lost their money.

Early on in our career in the Semicon Manufacturing we wanted to put up our own business. However, our education set us up for employment. Our family experience also limited us to “sari-sari store” (convenient store) business. It was the business our parents had. It was short lived and did not even prosper.

For many years, I and Fely's had a great desire to set-up our own business but we were not able to pursue it because of our fear of failure. Besides, our comfort zone was employment.

But in 2007, our journey to our own business started. We are so thankful that with IMG-International Marketing Group. We had been changed and our dream of having our own successful business had come true!

We are so blessed to be in IMG Business. For 3 Consecutive years from 2015 to 2020 we are the #1 Team in IMG. We want you to achieve the same.

We want to share in this book our successful transformation from being an engineer to an entrepreneur in a business that is really Simple Fast Clear and Doable...You Can Do It Too! This is our Conversion Story!

Benj and Fely Santiago

Pls Go Back to TABLE OF CONTENTS to Read each CHAPTER.

NOTE: eBook Version is only for IMG Members ONLY.
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