How Do We Get Started

Chapter 5: How Do We Get Started?
What will fuel us to do our business every day? Why do we do what we do? That’s the first thing we did. We defined together with our children the answers to these questions. We have to be clear on WHY DID I JOIN IMG. This is aligned to Napoleon Hill’s Success Principle to Define First Your Burning Desire. Similarly, it is what Stephen Covey say as first step: Begin With The End in Mind!
Then we made our vision board to visualize the dreams we want to achieve doing our IMG Business. This was the very first step we did before we seriously embarked on our business. This was the starting point of our IMG Business.  
We clearly defined Specific, Measurable, Aggressive, but realistic and time bounded (SMART-CY) goals, and our Compelling Y (why) or reasons why we would pursue this business.
We were more than equip on HOW we would do the business. But Fely and I believed that what would keep us in the business is our deeper WHY. The deeper the WHY, the deeper is our DRIVE and COMMITMENT.

We believe that what we conceived in our mind, pray for deep in our heart, and declare to the universe will materialize all for the Glory of God!
We have been doing our Dream Board as a family since 2009. We meet every New Year as a family to define our Dreams. We brought our vision board or Dream Board, to be prayed for and be blessed by Bro Bo Sanchez in one of the PICC Feast.  In IMG Business, we continued this practice. We define our Compelling Reasons why we do the business. Thus, when we seriously considered in 2010 the IMG Business as our Own Business, we did this very first thing: Define our Top 10 Compelling Reasons for Doing IMG Business?
Then, the second step we did was to go for FAST-START! Follow the 5:5 System and Maximize the use of the Checklist. 5:5 is our Upgraded System from 3:3. And, Checklist is the Secret.
The IMG business is so simple, and we just follow the flow. Do the 7-Day Blitz Weekly: Share the Membership Benefits to your family and friends. Do it every week to at least 10 family members and friends whom you LOVE.
Write Down all the names of your family and friends who needs to know about the IMG Benefits. Approach them using the Dominate Tools, Simple FB Posting, your IMG Membership Portal, Benefits List, Checklist and more. Keep your presentation SIMPLE. Write at least a hundred names which you can get from your cellphone, your FB page. From this list classify who are the Top 25 and Approach the first 10 in 7 Days. Begin with people you care for and love!

Put your list in order. Make sure you put it into your phone (Notes), or laptop, or a simple notebook. Never memorize. Include in the list the last status of your communication. I prefer to use my cellphone. It has a list of my prospects, my new members and my old members. Don’t try to memorize.
Follow the 4 things to share before doing the checklist. Share the Benefits List first. Show them the IMG Benefits List. Share what Benefit or benefits you like most and what so far you have achieved. Then tell them why you are doing the IMG Mission. When you are done with these 4 things, then ask them to fill up the Membership Checklist to let you know which interest them. I use daily posting on FB using the Dominate Tools or my Blogs, or simple FB post to approach people on my list. I use the @NAME tagging, and also the #NAME to target people I want to approach. 

Then, invite them to attend the Membership Orientation (MO) and Financial Check-up in the Financial Centers or ON LINE with your Trainer or Senior Marketing Director (SMD). Once they become members, invite them to continue their Financial Education by attending the Partners Training and Workshops. You repeat the process every week for yourself and your invites. You MASTER this Wealth Creation System by Continuous Repetition and by having the people you brought in to the business do the same. In other words Everyone in your Team needs to RUN it and get their DUPLICATES run it too! Once you do this on a continuing basis, you can build a Big Business.
When approaching people remember to follow the Do’s and Don’ts below. Share the Membership benefits to everyone. Use the Social Media to do your prospecting and approach. Every day, it will be good to personally approach 1 to 3 persons a day and to post in FB at least 3x in the morning, 3x at lunch time and 3x in the evening. It will be very beneficial if you bring your Trainer with you for Field Training so you will learn how to approach, and invite. If your Trainer is not available, you can connect with other trainers who are available. For cases where there are no Trainers who can personally connect with you, use the power of the Internet. Connect with your trainer by FB Chat, Messenger, Text Messaging, email and many other ways. The important thing is that you are always connected with your Trainer and the Team Mates you bring to the business.
Learn and Use the DOMINATE TOOLS in your IMG Portal. It is a very powerful tool to use to Approach, Present and Follow Up the people you have on your list. Do your follow up no less than 7 times to make a closure. Do not get tired of extending help to people you love through IMG financial education. 
You start as a (NBA) New Business Associate Trainee. When you Join as an IMG Member and you Own your Kaiser, you are a Trainee.  Your first goal is to become a Marketing Director (MD). This is also why I call you as soon as you join us, as an MD Trainee.
When you finish your 5 Join and 5 Own in 30 Days, you become an MD. You repeat the process within 90 Days and have 30:30 in 90 Days or 5 MD under you and you become SMD. Then continue to build SMDs under you to become Green Jacket MD Factory! 
Your Simple Focus is to build 5:5. And it is up for you to decide whether you want if FAST, or SLOW. You decide on how you want to do your business. Some people do 5:5 within 7 days and some people take a longer period. But, I found out in my many years of doing IMG business, that the speed people take is dependent on their “Hugot” or ”BIG WHY”. “Mas malalim ang hugot, mas mabilis ma-promote.” 
The Simple System is to continually run the 5:5 System. You move your Associates to become MD, and repeat the process for the Associates of the MDs to become MDs too. It is like a Production Cycle in a Manufacturing Company. The end product of the Production Line is an MD. The Raw Materials are New Associates. And the Process is the Business Flow. You let them through the Business Flow. You do it over and over. You simply don’t stop. Be UNSTOPPABLE. And do it fueled by your “Hugot” and the burning desire to help yourself and other people. That is how we do it. That’s why we’re #1! 
It is very important you Measure your Daily Progress. I believe that what we Monitor we can control. We really need to be deliberate in our IMG Business. And we need to stay connected with our Trainer. We need to know and report daily to our Trainer how many Checklist we have done for each day. Your Checklists are like seeds. The more checklists you have, the more seeds you have planted. The more seeds you plant, the more fruits you can harvest. This is the “Law of the Harvest” which is very true to our IMG Business.
Monitor your progress and the progress of your team through the “Shirt System”. For our First Week Blitz, We need to fill-up the 7-Day Blitz form to Qualify for the White-Campaigner Shirt. When 3 of the people you approached Join and Own within 30 days, you submit Qualification for the Blue-MD Club Shirt. When 5 Joined and Own within 30 days, you submit Qualification for the MD-Green Shirt. You know how you are progressing by the shirt you wear. 

In the Corporate world, you cannot promote yourself. In the Traditional Agency too. Promotions are earned, and you need to have the endorsement of your Manager. However, in IMG, you can promote yourself! Once you meet the criteria, fill up the “Promote Me” forms and submit for verification and confirmation! Isn’t that Special!

Our Top SECRET in Building a BIG IMG Business is our “Hunger for Learning” and Guidance. We have realized that our big time financial mistakes were due to lack of education and coaching. More importantly, we know that in building a big business, we need more than just commitment. We need to develop great relationships. And the best way to build relationships that last, is to stay connected with our Trainers and the Team we build. Thus, we made sure we attend all the Training and Meetings that IMG Offers. We go to the Meetings, and we Bring People to the Meeting (BPM). If they can’t come to the meetings, we Bring Meeting to the People (BMP). We attend the 9AM Club or LEADERS CALL, the Partners Training, Local Events and specially the Big Events or Conventions. We qualify to all the Training that IMG Offers.

We attend the meeting as a team. We bring the team from Cavite to Makati Office. It develops deeper relationship among us. It is not just the meeting we were able to attend, learn and enjoy. We also enjoyed the meeting and eating after the meeting on our way back to Cavite.

During Conventions, we travel together and in most cases sleep together too! Yes. Sleep together in different rooms, and when we can’t find or afford many rooms, we sleep together in just one room! In the process, we really developed our relationship not just team mates but as a family.
We use the power of internet to stay connected, for people who can’t come to the Financial Training Centres. We make sure all team members are aware of the Weekly Schedules. We connect through We post it on our TRM Members Page. See the details below for our schedules:
Check out also the different FB pages and Blogs we have or updates. We also created Chat Groups to facilitate communication. That is how we get connected 24/7! We have group chats and FB page  for the leaders, and for all members.
We are committed to our Campaign on Financial Literacy. We advocate Financial Education through the use of our IMG Books. People who attend our Financial Coaching who still have questions, we encourage them to attend the Workshops, or Read the Books.

To guide you on How to Develop Yourself, Your Team, and Your Business, you need MASTERY of the BUSINESS System. And to do this, you need to be a STUDENT of the BUSINESS. Follow this Prospectus like we did and you can definitively increase your chance of succeeding in this business. This is WHAT WE DID. If you DO IT TOO, you can build it BIG like we did.  Take this Seriously.


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