

They Thought I Was Joking When I Told Them
That I Have An International Financial Services Distribution Business 
I Start-up Within 24 Hours 
For Less Than P10K ...
Until I Showed Them My Monthly Income of

PLUS: I Was Able To Generate

I want to help you increase your cash flow so you can provide for your family's needs today and for their future. I know how it is to be an employee practically shackled and totally dependent   on the 15th and 30th temporary income I received. I know how it feels to be financially struggling and wallow in debts. I have been in that very frustrating and desperate situation and it is not pleasurable. I want you to be empowered to transform yourself to an entrepreneur, I want you to free yourself from the bondage of employment and be a business owner yourself and achieve financial independence and enjoy your retirement. I know it is also your goal to be a business owner and be financially free whether you have just started in your career or you are about to finish your work life. It is really… really my goal and my passion and prayer to help people create their own business and start their journey to financial freedom. It is our PURPOSE and MISSION...

You may be feeling insecure about your job, or you fear retrenchment and downsizing is slowly catching up on you. Or you are heavily indebted. Maybe you constantly struggle from pay check to pay check. Or you are worried you do not have a financial strategy for you and your family when you grow old. I know the feeling because I had been in that situation.

Based on a survey, only 2%% of Filipino Senior Citizens are financially free and majority of them own their business. The Top 10 Richest in the Philippines are all Business Owners.

I Want You To Be A Successful Entrepreneur
Retire Financially Free

A friend of mine, Sue (not her real name), went into failed business and investments for she did not learn how to invest properly and did not have a chance to get coached how to do it. She lost more than P2 Million of her retirement money in a franchised restaurant business. Sue is an Engineer and she does not know anything about the restaurant business. 

Another friend, Jake (again not his real name) started up a grocery store business. He invested more than P3 Million in this grocery business venture. For about 3 years, he was able to build it big and had more than P200K Monthly Income. However, he did not learn how to invest his earnings. Instead he started to spend whatever he earns on liabilities. As his income from his business increase, the more his expenses increase as well. But one day, SM decided to put up their Hypermart right in front of his grocery. You guess it right... "whammm"...as if a jack hammer hit his head and knock him out of his business. Now, he is sorely in debt and no back up investment or business to help him out of his situation. 

There are many more Jack and Sue that I know who were previously employees and tried to venture into capital intensive businesses that failed miserably. I do not want that to happen to you!

What’s In It For You…

Yes, you do not have to experience all of this. I can show you how I retire at age 52, pursue my very profitable but low budget business. A business I was able to put up in many places all over the world. A business that allowed me to help thousands of people achieve their dreams and help me surpass my income as an employee and pushed me to become financially free in 3 ½ Years!

You can experience this too... You can retire and have tons of money to take care of yourself, and your money doesn't get depleted. You can take your whole family, including your grandchildren on a yearly local tour, and once every two years on a pilgrimage to Holy Land Europe, and enjoy "gelato" in Italy where St. Francis once walked.

Imagine your children and grandchildren kissing you and greeting you happy birthday. Imagine giving gifts rather than you asking from them. Imagine each day being worry free for you because you have passive income that comes to you more than you need. You go to your doctor for regular checkup. You are driven to your gym for your regular exercise and life is so enjoyable and so good for you and your family! And the best thing in what I would like to offer you as a business opportunity, you can have your business inherited by your children and their children's children!

Let Me Tell You My Story…

Probably you are wondering why a Mechanical Engineer like me talks about being a business owner in the FINANCIAL SERVICES DISTRIBUTION. In 2008 January, Fely; my beautiful wife retired from Intel after 25 long years of serving that company. After a year it was my turn to be retired, after being in the semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industry for more than 28 long years. We were financially stupid, to say the least, so we were afraid that we will lose all our retirement money. We had humongous 7 figure debts, and we had a yearly obligation of P500,000 to send our kids (Chai and Rocky) to the green archer’s school in Manila. Where could I get this kind of money every year? I felt so insecure, had lots of sleepless nights, and got into fights with people I love because I got so irritable due my financial woes.


But my retirement became the starting point of my career detour. I sought advice, attended seminars, and read a lot of books by Robert Kiyosaki and Bro Bo Sanchez. I put to action what I learned from Bro Bo's Truly Rich Coaching Seminar and got into a company called IMG-International Marketing Group. Fely and I were coached how to manage our finances, how to get out of debts, and how to invest properly. We did not just learn…we started to do what we learned. And with discipline and consistency, we continued to do it since then till now. Then, after two years, we started to share our experience with our family and friends, encouraging them to follow our example. In about 3 years after my retirement, we were able to get out of our bad debts, had profitable investments, and were able to start to generate passive income, which reached 153,678Php/month in 2012. We have been able to change more than 3000 people's lives all over the world. I am now, debt free, happily retired and financially free!

Here is what Bro Bo Sanchez got to say about Benj and Fely

“Benj and Fely Santiago are one of the most tireless, passionate, and loving financial teachers I have ever met. They just love people. They go from country to country helping Filipinos everywhere achieve financial freedom. Their deep desire to help others was born from their painful experience of being trapped in debt. Fely and Benj are tour guides who've been through the darkest caves. If you want light for your financial life, let them be your teachers. “- Bro. Bo Sanchez 

So here’s what I want to offer you: A Financial Distribution Business. In simple language be a broker/dealer of all your financial service’s needs. Sound a bit heavy for a beginner in the financial industry. But, don't worry, we will coach you and hold your hand every step of the way towards making your own business successful and help you achieve your financial freedom. 

All you have to do is call us up or email us and tell us I am interested in the Business and we’ll set your schedule for a Business Presentation for you to make your assessment and decision. No commitment and NO FEES required on this preliminaries until you make your decision to pursue our Business Offer:

* A One-Stop Shop of all the basic Financial Services

* By Pass The Middleman and Earn the Commission Yourself

* You have Multiple Passive Income Streams. There is no Quota, No Time Cards, No Boss. You are the Boss!

* You Can Build Franchises All Over The World. A Business with Proven System, and Enormous Compensation

* And the Best Thing I love about this Business? You Earn By Simply Helping others Save and Invest. You Simply Share What You Do To Your Own Financial Situation.

By the way, this Business Offer is good for all Filipinos wherever you may be! Whatever field or profession you are in! Oh, did I tell you also there is no age limit? If you are 18 and up you are in. No experience, nor educational requirements! 

Our Business is a Simple, Clear, Fast, Doable Business!
Join Us Now!

* You will receive a personal coaching on how to be financially literate. You will learn how to manage your money, get out of your pestering and recurring debts, and learn how money can work for you. Personal coaching will assure your success. We do the coaching ON LINE too!

* You will be able to execute in less than 24 hours Membership and Accreditation so you can DIY – Do It Yourself in accessing Financial Services of reputable, well established, and solid companies such as Ayala Land, PhilEquity, Standard Insurance, Kaiser HealthGroup, and many others no matter where you are.

* You will be guided and be able to execute your own investment within 24 hours the various, safe and profitable ways of investing with a minimum starting investment of only 5000Php in Mutual Funds and 10,000 on Direct Stock Market.

* You will be able to define the proper way and the most effective way to allocate in three levels of investing which will include among others investing in Stocks directly. You will be able to define for yourself and your family your short term and long term financial strategies that will allow you to be financially free!

* Sorry to disappoint you, this is not going to be a get rich quick scheme... But I guarantee, if you follow my company's system which I personally experienced you can be a multi-millionaire in less than 3 years.

* Let me also forewarn you before you plunge deep into my offer. We love to travel and thus you need to make sure your passport is ready and you are always ready to pack your things and travel. 

* You will also have your privilege to get into a business opportunity, without a quota, time card, or boss! You are your own boss and you own the business! A business you can start up with less than P10K!


"I am a High School Graduate and never finished college. My family is poor, and I know the hardship of being poor. I do not want my children to have limited education like me. I want them to finish college. I want them to have a better life. And I am so happy I learned how to manage my finances through Bro Benj and Sis Fely. It really works. I invest now in Mutual Funds and I earn passive income from my own business by simply sharing and helping other people how to properly save and invest. In the process of sharing our own journey to financial freedom, we were able to build a big business that allowed us to earn more than 5x what we earned in our Computer Shop Business. Now, I am so confident I can provide education of my children which I was not able to have.”
–Malvin and Matin Leano

“I worked as engineer for Intel. After an early retirement from Intel, I put up a business (franchised outlet of meat products) together with my friends from Intel who were also given their early retirement package. After two years, I have not recovered my investments. I am glad I learned from Bro Benj and Sis Fely how to create your own business after retirement. Now, I have a very profitable business helping people save and invest. It really is amazing for I only invested insignificantly low amount against the investment I made in our failed franchise business.”
- Manny and Nancy Martin


You probably would think all these FREEBIES would cost you an "arm and a leg".  It’s actually true that this COULD cost you a total of more than P50,000 just for the seminars and financial planning and consultation.

But that’s not necessary, because you’ll enjoy a FREE 1-hour consultation if you call me within the next 24 hours after emailing me and tell me that I am interested! . No FEES, no COMMITMENTS. Just show up on your appointment schedule and check out our BUSINESS OFFER.

Then, if you are really, really interested and decide to JOIN us in our Business, then you can Start it up immediately for no more than P10K (This Amount is for Philippine Residents Only)  which shall include your Membership Fee and Your First Month of Investment!!!

As an added BONUS, if you decide to join of our Company, you will receive my monthly, and a Quarterly Market Updates from the best Fund Manager with a combined total value of more than P10, 000 ... All for FREE!

Call me NOW to set up your appointment! Send me an eMail NOW at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com. Better yet, call me at 0920-902-1217… I would guarantee you a response within 24 hours no matter where I am…

See you soon!

God bless you,

Benjie and Fely Santiago

PS: Don’t delay. Change your financial life NOW! Call me at 0920-902-1217 or email me and we’ll sit down together and help you create abundance for your future!

PS2. Once upon a time, we were drowning in debt. Today, we’re totally free and financially blessed. YOU can experience this too. Call me at 0920-902-1217 or email me at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com and tell me I am really interested to join your business.

SEVC- Marketing Director- International Marketing Group (IMG).Founders and Head Coach/Trainers of the Truly Rich Makers Team. Wealth Circle Advisers.
Heartland Institute of Financial Educators (USA)- HIFE, Certified Financial Educator
MVP# 1 of IMG for 2015, 2016 , 2017, 2018, and 2019!
Former PICC Feast Financial Mentoring Ministry Head: educating people build a solid financial foundation. Involved in keeping families together, and helping families achieve financial independence.
Most sought after Speakers of Seminars on How to Get Out of Debts, Increase Cash Flow, and How to Save and Invest Safely and Correctly.
Author of "Risen From Debt", “Debt Destroyers”, "How To Invest Like… Eating Cake"


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