We are our Brother's Keepers!

There are lots of families struggling to make both ends meet. A lot of people caught in the daily grind of JOB. I met people from different levels of the job ladder and they all are good only in what they are doing but almost all of them are financially ignorant and is totally dependent on their job.
That was actually me in my past financial life and it pains me to see people suffer financial crisis which I went through myself.
That is why we want everyone to pursue your own business regardless whether you are in the early stage of your career or in your retirement year. Our current generation cannot survive with just a JOB. We all need to get into a business that can fully utilize our God given talents, passion and competencies.
We (Fely and I and you who is now reading this) are in the era of a fast changing world that the financial solutions our parents did no longer apply. In the past, even just one of our parents working we were able to support a family and survive.
Several decades ago, our parents just need to have a good education, land a decent paying job and they can live comfortably.
Now, more than ever, even with both of us  working, like most families barely make both ends meet. We are also experiencing a shift from company loyalty to company hopping.
There is no longer job security. Anytime, our job is always on the line, and many are waiting on the side line to replace us. To survive, we must get into a business: a business that fits your passion, competence and God given talents.
We must be able to create multiple income streams. Income streams that is ideally passive in nature. Income that keeps coming even if we no longer have to work, money working for us and best of all a business that helps.
A business that changes people’s lives from nobody to somebody, from losers to winners, from poor to truly rich!
IMG offered us that business opportunity and we are now on a mission to share it with people who wants to get out of their JOB. There are millions of people who suffer financially so we need more missionaries to help us in this mission.
I am calling those who just started their career, or insecure for so many years in your job, or about to retire: I encourage you to devote some of your spare time to business. I want to encourage you to get into SIMPLE CLEAR FAST and DOABLE Business. I encourage you to act on it! Get yourself registered as IMG Member and share to your family and friends what a great Business Opportunity we have in IMG!  For after all we are indeed our brother’s keepers!
Contact us @ fely.santiago@gmail.com or richbenj.santiago@gmail.com. You can also access us at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Truly-Rich-Makers  and we will be more than happy to help you get in to your own business.
God bless us all!


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