Business Opportunity

Fely and I had long wanted to have our own business. I know you too want to have your own business before you retire. In fact many of our friends who got their early retirement money, put up on their own business. Unfortunately more than half of the people we know who went into business, went bankrupt and lost their money. 

Early on in our career in the Semicon Manufacturing we wanted to put up our own business. However, our education set us up for employment. Our family experience also limited us to “sari-sari store” (convenient store) business. It was the business our parents had. It was short lived and did not even prosper. 

For many years, I and Fely had a great desire to set-up our own business but we were not able to pursue it because of our fear of failure. Besides, our comfort zone was employment. 

But in 2007, our journey to our own business started. We are so thankful that with IMG-International Marketing Group. We had been changed and our dream of having our own successful business had come true! 

We are so blessed to be in IMG Business. In 12 years we're able to help more than 39,500 people in 29 countries all over the World! We earn seven figure income every 7 weeks. We want you to achieve the same. 

We invite you to check out the IMG Business Opportunity in our FREE Membership Orientation we conduct all over the Philippines and all over the world!



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