
How to Track your IMG Business

Our IMG Business is truly an amazing business for we have the automatic systems that can give you details of your business indicators. We grow our business by growing the number of people who JOINS (My Team)   us and our income  by the number of people who OWNS (Production Report). To determine your TOTAL JOIN and OWN , you simply do the following STEPS:   STEP 1 : Log in to your IMG MEMBERS Portal through this link  then you see this page.  STEP 2 : ENTER your IMG Code on the USERNAME and then ENTER the PASSWORD you received in your email from IMG . Then CLICK Login . If you forgot it, just simply click the Lost Password to get a NEW one which you also receive in your email. Then repeat the process STEP 1, to STEP 2. STEP 3 : Click REPORTS and you see the page below. Production Report is for the KAISER and MOST 18 Sales details which we call OWN . You can check your PERSONAL , or BASESHOP Production . STEP 4 : Click the DOWN ARROW BUTTON on the

From Rich to Poor and Back!

Do you know that, A lot of People Who Retire from Work as Executives Earning what the Rich earns, Gets only what the Poor gets as Retirement Pension! I know, I went through that about 11 years ago! The good thing is, I learned to Transition from being an Employee To an Entrepreneur! You can do it too! The time to transition is NOW! Register for our ON LINE Coaching so you Learn how to Prepare for Retirement and many more! Learn How to Invest Correctly in Mutual Funds so you can supplement with Investment Returns your Retirement Pension. Do the IMG Mission and Business and recover your lost income and even more. I know you can. I was able to do it. And the happy side of it is that I was able to help more than 39,843 people to date to journey towards what I had achieved. LET ME TELL YOU MY STORY In 2009 January, I was 52 then , the company I worked for had to cut their operations here in the Philippines. And I was the first Executive of our compan

Vision Mission and Action!

HOW DO WE ACHIEVE OUR GOALS? First we Need to be Clear about our VISION. Make it Clear  and quantifiable like 1M/Month Income. This was actually the vision of Fely on the first month of our IMG Journey. Xuan Nguyen asked the attendees of the Training For Trainers way back Nov 2007, and Fely stood up and declare this. Today we are approaching that Vision , so I am seeing a clearer New Vision 1M/Day! This VISION need to be anchored on the MISSION which will fuel us to ACTION. We all know by now that the bottom-line mission of our Business is to LOVE. Love our-self, our family and friends and people we meet. But all these must be put into ACTION. We can't simply visualize and anchor it on ideals. We need to act. In IMG we are trained and educated on the WCS and the tools we ca use. Knowledge is good but without Action it is useless. Actions on the other hand without Knowledge can lead us to disastrous results. So we do need to ACT based on what we currently are familiar and

A Simple Clear Fast Doable Business

A Business That Is Built To Stand and Last In Any Situation You Can Do It Too Benj and Fely Santiago April 2020 DEDICATION: To International Marketing Group (IMG) who had given us a business opportunity with unlimited income possibilities, and passive income generation. A business that made us changed from being an employee to investor and entrepreneur. A business that indeed is SIMPLE, CLEAR, FAST, and DOABLE for non-businessmen like me. To Joen Delas Penas, Noel Arandilla, Cathy Borja of IMG who had coached us and guided us in building our business beyond our imagination and physical borders. A business Built To Last. To Dr. Jaime and Dra Jocelyn Lorenzo, and Ms. Ojing Osana who initiated us into IMG Business, and coached us in our first months in the business. They mentored and inspired us to do the IMG Mission. To Shirley and Manny San Miguel, Ginalyn and Rey Labrado the couples who inspired us, and


Epilogue They Thought I Was Joking When I Told Them That I Have An International Financial Services Distribution Business  That  I Start-up Within 24 Hours  For Less Than P10K ... Until I Showed Them My Monthly Income of P253,340… PLUS: I Was Able To Generate PASSIVE INCOME! I want to help you increase your cash flow so you can provide for your family's needs today and for their future. I know how it is to be an employee practically shackled and totally dependent   on the 15th and 30th temporary income I received. I know how it feels to be financially struggling and wallow in debts. I have been in that very frustrating and desperate situation and it is not pleasurable. I want you to be empowered to transform yourself to an entrepreneur, I want you to free yourself from the bondage of employment and be a business owner yourself and achieve financial independence and enjoy your retirement. I know it is also your goal to be a business owner and be financia

Call to Mission: Be Our Brothers Keepers

Chapter 11: Call to Mission: Be Our Brothers Keepers There are lots of families struggling to make both ends meet. A lot of people caught in the daily grind of JOB. I met people from different levels of the job ladder and they all are good only in what they are doing but almost all of them are financially ignorant and is totally dependent on their job. That was actually me in my past financial life and it pains me to see people suffer financial crisis which I went through myself. That is why Fely and I wrote this book to challenge everyone to pursue your own business regardless whether you are in the early stage of your career or in your retirement year . Our current generation cannot survive with just a JOB . We all need to get into a business that can fully utilize our God given talents, passion and competencies. We (Fely and I and you who is now reading this) are in the era of a fast changing world that the financial solutions our parents did no longer apply. In the p