How to Track your IMG Business

Our IMG Business is truly an amazing business for we have the automatic systems that can give you details of your business indicators. We grow our business by growing the number of people who JOINS (My Team)  us and our income  by the number of people who OWNS (Production Report).

To determine your TOTAL JOIN and OWN, you simply do the following STEPS:

 STEP 1: Log in to your IMG MEMBERS Portal through this link then you see this page. 

STEP 2: ENTER your IMG Code on the USERNAME and then ENTER the PASSWORD you received in your email from IMG. Then CLICK Login.

If you forgot it, just simply click the Lost Password to get a NEW one which you also receive in your email. Then repeat the process STEP 1, to STEP 2.

STEP 3: Click REPORTS and you see the page below. Production Report is for the KAISER and MOST 18 Sales details which we call OWN. You can check your PERSONAL , or BASESHOP Production.

STEP 4: Click the DOWN ARROW BUTTON on the PERSONAL Box and below page is what you see. Select BASESHOP ...

STEP 5: Click GENERATE REPORT to see your BASESHOP Production. So from PERSONAL Production report, you will see your BASESHOP Production Report. This is your Total Baseshop  OWN.

STEP 6: To determine your Total JOIN, simply Click the My Team, and repeat process Steps 4&5 and you will see the page below for your Total My Team Report.

Now, you have the DATA you need to determine your progress in IMG Business! Isn't it so simple? 

Knowing your indicators however is just the first half. You need to analyse your results if you are hitting your goals. Minimum Goal for a STARTING Associate is 5:5 in 30 Days, for MD, you should be doing 10:10, and for SMD 30:30.

If you are not, increase the number of CAMPAIGN and EVENTS that you are doing.

Let's DO IT!!!


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